Last Day of School Fun

Friday is our last day of school!  This is an exciting day in the lives of all children (and teachers!) so I thought I better get going to make the last day of school fun.

I saw this cute free printable over at it is what it is.  This would be cute tucked in the kiddos lunch box.

But then I started thinking about how the kids get out early on the last day of school and I decided to focus on something fun they could use the last day of school.   I went to the Dollar Store and bought water balloons, silly string, bubbles, sunglasses, sunscreen, and a Sunny D.

Then I bought gift bags at Target and assembled the last day of school kits:

I wrote a short poem to explain the gift: “School is out, It’s time for FUN.  Let’s go play in the summer SUN!” (It better be nice on Friday!) My blogging buddy, Kelsie Rae, made up some cute tags to go with my last day of school treat.  Just print the tag, punch a hole, and attach it to the bag with some ribbon or yarn.  You can choose between 3 colors and download your printable PDF here.

I like this poem because it lends itself to so many options and so many ages.  You could go with anything fun: water balloons, silly string, bubbles, shaving cream, sand box toys, movie tickets, mini-golf passes, etc.  Or anything sun: Capri Sun, Sunkist soda, Sun chips, hat, visor, sunglasses, sunscreen, etc. Or any combination of the above. You could keep it simple with just a Sunny D or go all out with a bag full of fun in the sun goodies- either way the day will be special and fun.

6 thoughts on “Last Day of School Fun”

  1. Tomorrows blog should be what to get teachers at the end of the year! Any suggestions? 🙂

    1. GIFT CARDS! Even a $5 Starbucks or Sonic (if you have them) is PERFECT. I’m a teacher…I LOVE gift cards. Homemade cuteness is great too–just PLEASE. No mugs!!!

    2. I am going to go with Colleen. As a former teacher, I appreciated either classroom supplies or gift cards. No trinkety stuff.

  2. Where can I get those polka dot gift bags they would be perfect for my sons bday theme. Helppppp

    1. I got them at Target. I saw some there not to long ago so they still may have them. Good luck!

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