Ahead of the Game

I am a planner…

I am usually about 6-12 months out in my life planning. I already know what I am giving my neighbor friends for Christmas;  I have been thinking about my 2012 New Year’s Resolutions for a few months now;  I’ve ordered supplies for a winter garland I want to display in January; I even know what the theme for Teacher Appreciation Week is going to be next May. I guess you can say I like to be ahead of the game.

You might think I am crazy, but I believe thinking ahead actually saves me time and money (my husband might disagree there).  It also saves me energy and allows me to do more.

The way it works is that I gather things as I go.  I pick up things when I am already out.  I put feelers out early.  I contact people early. I come across ideas on the internet when I am browsing for other events.  I buy things on sale, etc. I try to avoid going out at the last minute to get what I need because I might not be able to find it (products have seasons) and it might not be at a great price.

For example, Croft and I decided awhile ago to do a Strawberry Shortcake party for her birthday in December so I have been gathering items for the party for the last 6 months.  I found some old ribbon I had that matched the party colors. I picked up SS coloring books when I saw them for $1.  I picked up crayons at the back to school sales.   I found mini pink totes in the Target dollar bins this summer that will work great for the take home party favors.  I’ve already canned jars of strawberry jam when strawberries were $5.99 a case.   And I I found a cute pink polka dot banner and cupcake holders at Partyland.  I am watching for red felt to go on sale at Hobby Lobby so I can embellish the banner and totes with strawberries.  Every time I go to an antique store I look for little plates to make into cupcake holders.

And I even pinned a game idea on Pinterest when I wasn’t even searching for one.

So when the birthday party comes at a hectic time of year (New’s Year Eve unfortunately) I am way ahead of the game. And it really doesn’t take much work to pull off something great because I have been gathering items and ideas all along the way.

It is never too early to start planning.  You know how fast time goes.

(That being said… I have no idea what’s for dinner)

3 thoughts on “Ahead of the Game”

  1. We must be sisters at heart! I am all about this. Event planning makes me excited–all the little details coming together for a successful party or whatever. This kind of creativity is fun for me, especially when I have done it on a budget. Good luck on the party–I’m sure it will be wonderful.

  2. Boring! I love the rush of finding the last minute deal and having things always work out for me! Ha ha, except for that water heater fiasco last week, and the……

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