One Week Away

Valentine’s Day is exactly one week away and I gotta figure out exactly what I am doing for my kids?

There are so many great ideas out there on Pinterest that I feel stupid even doing a blog post about it.  But I talked myself into it, saying if nothing else, this post is a journal for my kids about what their mom did for them.

Last year, the kids woke up to a candy gram on their breakfast plate.  I picked their favorite candy and then had to rack my brain to tie it in with some cute love note.

Chad got the larger version of the candy gram.

Later we had a fancy breakfast for dinner.  Chad made the Valentine version of his famous One-Eyed Willies.  He used a cookie cutter to cut the bread out and then just fried the egg and toasted the toast on a griddle.

And we served heart shaped sausage.  We just molded the sausage with our fingers.

We served orange juice in goblets and hot chocolate with whipped cream in fancy mugs.

This year I plan to give them their coupon books.

Chad and I had fun talking about our kids and figuring out what exactly we should write on the coupons.  Among other things, Croft is getting a home pedicure;  Crew and I are playing catch, and Elle is getting extra long snuggles.  Chad promised Crew a full game of Madden 12, Croft gets a movie/snuggle and Elle gets an Easy Bake date.  We also left one blank coupon so they can write in what they want.  Click here if you want to download the coupon book.

I am still undecided what I am doing for after-school snack but I think I might do a Valentine version of milk and cookies.

Or I might opt to go with a slightly healthier plan and serve fresh fruit and pink fruit dip because I know they will get a lot of junk at school.

My kids love this fruit dip recipe:

1 7 oz. marshmallow topping

1 8 oz. container flavored cream cheese (I use strawberry cream cheese to get the pink look.)

This dip is light and fluffy and yummy and goes great with apples and strawberries.

And then I still have to decide between a fancy breakfast for dinner of heart shaped waffles, whipped cream and strawberries or a fancy dinner for dinner like steak and potatoes or their favorite chicken alfredo?  I think I will let the kids decide.

I’ve got one week left to solidify my plans.  What do you have up your sleeve for your kids for Valentine’s Day?

3 thoughts on “One Week Away”

  1. I always make heart shaped mini pizzas served on red dishes with red jello, red apples and red juice. But I like your breakfast idea. We used one of your FHE suggestions last night and just modified it. We sat in a circle and each picked a “love” song from the childrens songbook then sang the song as we passed paper hearts with each person in our family’s name on one heart. When the song was over we stopped passing the hearts and whichever heart we had we told what we loved about that person. We did that 5 times with 5 different songs. The kids thought it was a riot. Thanks for the idea.

  2. They get a candybar gram in the morning on their plate, pink heart shaped pancakes for the kids, heart one eyed wiilies for Bry. I think I’m going to do homemade pizza with heart shaped pepperoni for lunch, and for dinner a nice dinner (like steak) with heart shaped roasted potatoes I found on Pintrest. I might possibly use your coupon idea… We’ll see.

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