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Homeschooling Highlights

I homeschooled all four of my kids last year and it sorta kicked my butt. Some days were straight out of a dream and a few days were out of a nightmare. However, most days were somewhere in between. Through all our time together we had some wonderful highlights.

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My Wish for My Daughters

My 25-year-old self cannot believe I am writing this post. She would disagree with me whole-heartedly. She would say that my thinking is archaic and insulting. She would want me to write about a college education, self-confidence, happiness, or pursuit of dreams. She would be ashamed and disappointed in my 1950’s thinking. But my 25-year-old self, didn’t know Chad yet.

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Know Better, Do Better

This is a difficult post to write because it exposes some of my mistakes and weaknesses as a mother. It’s painful to admit that I screwed up or did things wrong. But I’m also proud of this post because it demonstrates courage. I’ve recognized a deficiency in my parenting and…

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Lucky Enough

About a year and a half ago we moved to a beautiful mountain valley. We are surrounded by the Wasatch mountain range to the west, including Mount Timpanogos, and the Uintah mountain range to the east. On the local Facebook page someone wrote: “If you’re lucky enough to live in the mountains, you’re lucky enough.”

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The Other Three R’s

When I started homeschooling I wanted to make sure that I kept things simple and basic so that I would not get overwhelmed. In academics I knew I wanted to cover the three R’s (Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic), but there were three other R’s that were important to me as well.

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Pseudo Passions

I’m not happy with my blog post today. It has way more questions than it does answers. It is just my raw, uncut worries at this point with no real conclusions. I’d hoped that by writing about my concerns I might be able to find some clarity, but this time I haven’t been able to tie everything neatly up in a little bow by the end.

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