albums 1 1 6

Halloween Scrapbook

I am willing to bet that many of you have tons of photos on your computer that ain’t never going to see the light of day. I am the same way. And since I’ve long given up the dream of trying to scrapbook all of my kids’ lives, I came up with a more realistic project for myself. I am just going to do small theme based projects instead.

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Suitcase Surprise

My hubby left for a business trip last weekend and I decided to leave some surprises in his suitcase.

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Music Spoken Word Tabernacle Choir 911 broadcast 580 1 8

Remember 9/11

Sunday marks the 10 year anniversary of 9/11. As I was walking around the track the other day, the significance of this anniversary slowly sank in. I realized I needed to teach my kids about this day. They weren’t even born when this happened. They need to know their country’s history. I started planning a Family Night for Sunday right then and there.

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Philmont Scout Camp

A lot of times my husband’s responsibilities at church feel like a burden. That negative feeling probably peaks at around 11:30 am on Sunday when I am wrestling four little kids by myself in Sacrament Meeting. Then we were invited to go to Philmont Scout Camp in Cimmaron, New Mexico:

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End of Summer Party

Since my BIL decided to get married the week school started we had to delay our “Back to School Party” and change it to our “End of Summer Party” instead. Here is what is in the works for our “End of Summer Party”:

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Celebrate the First Day of School

I always like to do a nice breakfast for my kids on the First Day of School, but that was as far as I had gotten in my planning to make the day special. Then I went shopping and found some fun treats that inspired me.

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