sink 1 22

Cleaning Schedule

I have had a cleaning lady on and off for about 5 years now. I first got one to help me out in the final months of my pregnancy with my 3rd child and then for a few months after. But it was so convenient and helpful that a few months turned into a few years. But since I am trying to be thrifty this year, it was time to lay-off my cleaning lady.

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just chad head 1 21


Today is my hubby’s birthday so he deserves a birthday compliment: I love my husband because he visits people. And not because he has too, but because he actually wants to. He is a thoughtful man.

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karate kid1 1 14

Karate Kid

I went all Karate Kid on my kids. See we started a new after school routine since we moved into our house in January. Here is how it goes:

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store label 1


It’s Thrifty Thursday and one way to be thrifty is to return items to stores that you don’t want or you don’t need. Doing returns seems so obvious, but sometimes I would get lazy and just keep items. I would justify that I would use the product sometime, somewhere or the item wasn’t worth my time to drive back to the store. Or I would wait too long and the receipt would expire. But since I have decided to be more thrifty this year, I have been a diligent returner.

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done 1 29

Done, Not To Do

Historically, I have been a “To Do List” slut. But I have been in a funk lately and haven’t written a list for at least 2 months. I think my funk has to with the move, my mom, and maybe even the winter blues.

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10 minutes 1 22

10 Minute Rule

What you might not know about me is that I am easily overwhelmed. I can host a wedding in my backyard or develop manner lessons for my children or paint every wall in my house, but please don’t ask me to bring a salad to a potluck dinner. The thought of going to the store and then chopping all the vegetables just might send me to bed.

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