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Bad News/Good News

I have been trying a new parenting technique lately that I made up (sorry no PhD to back it up.) I call it Bad News/Good News. When something negative happens to my children, I acknowledge what is wrong or what is frustrating or what hurts about the problem with the “Bad News”. Then we find a bright spot in the situation with the “Good News”.

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A Little Love at Lunch

I’ve gotten away with school lunch the last 3 years, but Elle’s taste buds have finally had it. She officially declared that she will no longer eat school lunch. The days of sending her with a check for the month (and thinking nothing more of it until she comes home with a stamp on her hand) are over. Elle is demanding a home-made lunch this year. I have no idea what I will make day in and day out, but I do know that I will throw in a little love at lunch:

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Love Rituals

Most of us praise our kids when they’ve done something great and we punish them when they’ve done something wrong. But what about those neutral moments when nothing good or bad is happening? Do we show sufficient love to our children in those times or do they go unnoticed?

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Back To School Shopping with a Budget

We’ve all experienced that must have item. You know the Esprit sweatshirt or the Girbaud jeans or the Air Jordans , but our moms said no because it was too expensive. We were mad at her and she was ruining our life. This budgeting technique allows the kids to have some control and manage the budget so mom is no longer the bad guy.

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Battle of the Bedroom

Elle and I have an ongoing battle over her bedroom. I want it clean and it is usually messy. Sound familiar?

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Do you remember D.E.A.R? (Drop Everything And Read!) Or maybe you had S.S.R (Sustained Silent Reading) or maybe you had read-a-thons? Whatever the name, do you remember just getting to read?

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