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Small Change

As long as I can remember, I have had a shelf in my fridge labeled “Toppings”. Think ice cream. Hot chocolate. Pancakes. Kind of toppings. The shelf included whipped cream, chocolate syrup, caramel topping, vanilla creamer, syrup, jelly, and as of late, even some vanilla flavoring. It was my yummy shelf.

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The Stuff Homeschool Dreams Are Made Of

BUT yesterday was different. And I write about it because yesterday reminded me what is possible. It reminded me we are making progress. It reminded me to not give up. It reminded me not to worry- there was nothing that happened at school that was better than what we did together. It reminded me of my true priorities. It reminded me to stay focused. Yesterday reminded me that homeschooling is exactly what I want to be doing.

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Practice in Personal Revelation

I’ve long thought that kids need to learn how to get personal revelation earlier than we let them. We control too much and take over too much, and when it becomes necessary for personal revelation they are not prepared. They don’t know what to do, how to ask, what answers feel like, etc. Kids need practice in personal revelation before the stakes are high.

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Speak For Themselves

The first kid looked the waitress in the eye and told her what she wanted for dinner. The next child ordered and made a modification from the menu — something along the lines of ‘hold anything healthy and add fries’. The next child asked a question to clarify the menu and then she ordered. Lastly, we got to my 5 year old. He looked at the waitress and said, “I’ll have a quesadilla, please.”

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Ordinary Lives

It was the first day of school for everyone else, but not for my family. I was homeschooling all of my kids this year, and my kids, mom and I were on a road trip. We were headed to my hometown to pick choke cherries and make choke cherry jam….

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Constant Vigilance

I go through phases of “I’m done. I can’t do this anymore” sure to be followed by another phase of “Let’s do this people!” One week I want to quit and the next week I want to tackle the world. Sometimes I wish I were more steady, but then I always grow from the lows, and I make a difference in the highs, so I ride my own roller coaster.

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