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Lessons from my Dad

Yesterday was my dad’s birthday and my brother sent an email to the family about some lessons he learned from my dad. I thought it was a great story that showed my dad’s personality.

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In a Word

It is November 1, and that means it is time to officially start thinking about…..New Year’s Resolutions! I usually have a theme or motto for my resolutions, but for I wanted to sum up my New Year’s Resolutions for 2012 in a word.

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The Day I Liked Women

Halloween marks the one year anniversary of The Day I Liked Women. (Stay with me.) You see I haven’t always liked women. I liked individuals, but our gender as a whole really disappointed me. We could be catty, vain, whiny, jealous, easily offended and easily hurt.

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End of an Era

I am sad to say that last Halloween was an end of an era. And I am embarking on new ground this Halloween. You see in the past we have had family themed costumes. We usually based our theme on the kid with the strongest interest at the time. Elle ruled the roost for the first few years and we dressed up around her. Then Crew grew an opinion.

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Perils of Pinterest

I pinned my first idea on Pinterest last week. And then I pinned another and another and a half hour later the table was still not set and I had no vegetable ready to go with my enchiladas. Not to mention I felt depressed. I have been reluctant to return to the dangerous land of Pinterest since.

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We planted 8 tomato plants this year, but we only had 7 cages. So one tomato plant was left on its own to grow without a cage.

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