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On Motherhood and God { Intro }

I am doing my first spiritual series (I use that phrase lightly) on my blog entitled “On God and Motherhood”. I think there will be 6 parts to the series and I will post one each day this week in honor of Mother’s Day. I reserve the right to bow out at any time. Here goes:

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Blogging Buddy

I am excited to let you know that I am teaming up with another blogger and she just happens to be one of my old 5th grade students. We both enjoy blogging and are going to put our talents together to give our readers more. Who knew that teacher and student would one day be peers?

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A Different Easter

Easter for me used to be mostly about bunnies, baskets, eggs and candy, but this year Easter is different. The timing is special and the focus has changed. See my nephew, Beck, passed away 1 year ago this Easter weekend. He died from complications from pneumonia.

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Choose Your Own Birthday

My husband’s birthday was yesterday and on Friday he accused me of forgetting his birthday. Now how you can ‘forget’ something that hasn’t even happened yet, I don’t understand, but he was sure I forgot about him. Well, he ate crow on his birthday when I busted out my present : “Choose Your Own Birthday”:

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Bachelor Confession

I have a confession to make: I watch ” The Bachelor”. Now I am not proud of this; in fact I am ashamed, and I vow every season finale never to watch it again. But some how I get suckered in each time, and I justify it by folding a week’s worth of laundry while I watch the show so at least I am being productive.

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Sister of the Year

I am nominating myself for ” Sister of the Year”.  My sister texted me in a panic one night that the planned caregiver for her dog had backed out and she was having an anxiety attack about what to do with Reggie. She was temporarily homeless and needed to find…

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