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On Grace

Often we think of the principle of grace around Easter when Jesus’ death, resurrection and Atonement are talked about more often. But I am reminded of grace every Fall due to an insight I had on grace while I raked leaves with my children a few years ago.

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Unexpected Joy

When I finally made the decision to homeschool Elle, I geared up for a rough road ahead. I expected to have to defend and deflect ignorant comments. I expected to feel a burden — a constant weight on my shoulders. I expected to sacrifice my time and energy and down time. I expected that I might have to battle with Elle over work or expectations or public school. I expected that life would be harder simply because I was adding more to my plate.

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My Word

It’s November! and I have been pondering over my word for 2014 for about the last month … usually during yoga class. I know January is still 2 months away, but it takes me that long to find the best word for me for the upcoming year.

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CTR Covenants

Last week was our annual Children’s Sacrament Program. This is where the kids in our church, ages 3-11, take over the church meeting. They sing songs, read scriptures, give talks and say parts about Jesus Christ. It is always wonderful. This year was a momentous occasion because it was my FIRST and LAST time where all my kids were involved.

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Family Memorization Binder

Consider memorizing scriptures, quotes, poems, etc. as the good seeds I want to plant in my children’s garden. You can also consider the memorization as an antidote to all the swearing, crudeness and graphic language they may encounter in school, music or movies. I’ve gotta fight back with something.

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He’s in the Details

I want to share a sweet story that happened to my family last week. And I write to persuade my children to believe. This story is a testament to the love that God has for each of us individually.

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