Back to School Posts

Some of my friends have been posting first day of school pictures on Facebook.  It seems so early to me, but I guess it is that time of year– Back to School.

I love Back to School. I love new experiences. I love new beginnings. I love the chance to rework new schedules and establish new routines.  And I love new school supplies 🙂

Since I have many new readers since last year, I thought I would compile all my posts in one place that might be helpful for back to school.    The posts range from schedules to traditions to food to tips.  In case you haven’t read them, here they are:

Back To School To Do List

End of Summer Party

Back to School Shopping on a Budget

Back To School Family Night

Celebrate the First Day of School

Confidence Cookies

Morning Routine


Cleaning Schedule

A Little Love at Lunch

In the Loop

Love Rituals

After-School Snacks

I still might write a couple back to school posts for this year, but this is a good list to start with. Hopefully, one of these posts will help someone out there get ready for the school year.

P.S. The Olympics start today!!!

1 thought on “Back to School Posts”

  1. I’m thinking the back to school pictures we’ve all been seeing are for friends with year-round school. At least, that’s what I assumed!

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