Done, Not To Do

Historically, I have been a “To Do List” slut.

But I have been in a funk lately and haven’t written a list for at least 2 months.  I think my funk has to with the move, my mom, and maybe even the winter blues.

So instead of To Do Lists at the beginning of the day, I have been making (in my mind) DONE lists at the end of the day.  I recount all that I accomplished during the day.  Because, despite my best efforts, it often feels like I got nothing done or that my life is out of control or that I still have so much to do.  DONE lists help me feel better.

Here is my DONE list for yesterday:

read my scriptures

snuggled with Crew

got a blog post out

made my kids breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner (with vegetables!)

did dishes 1, 2, or 4 times

cleaned both bathrooms

bathed Locke and Croft

did a few loads of laundry

helped Croft clean her room and put away her clothes

decorated for St. Patty’s day

braided Croft’s hair

took Croft to preschool

snuggled by Locke


worked on table centerpiece for ward party

wrote a thank you note

made 50 cups of popcorn for Elle’s Knowledge Bowl team practice

woke up Locke from a nap to take the snack to Elle’s team

after-school snack for the other kiddos

helped Crew put away his laundry; reviewed how to fold jeans

picked up Elle from practice

read with Croft

helped Elle with county report

took pictures for upcoming blog posts

made homemade breadsticks

took Elle to dance


helped Crew with homework

family scripture study

tidied up the house

hugged my husband

read to Crew

sang to Croft

talked to Elle

tidied up some more

wrote this blog post

I promise I will never bore you again with a play by play of my day (I even left out some stuff), but every once in awhile it is rewarding and comforting to take stock of what we’ve DONE, instead of what still need to do.

8 thoughts on “Done, Not To Do”

  1. You are so right for focusing on all that you (and all mom’s and women) accomplish in a day. It is a good way for us to look back on the day and say “Wow” I really got a lot done today.

  2. Holy Crap! You did a lot. I often think about how I would just like to video myself all day long on day of what I do so that I can show my husband what my days are like, and so I can feel like even though I feel like I ran around all day and got nothing accomplished that I really did.

    1. Shelley, I bet if you wrote down everything you did in a day in would be a lot too! Imagine if every snuggle, changed diaper, dish washed, hug, meal, book read, phone call, email, etc. got accounted for. We all do way more in a day than we think we do.

  3. I always make to-do lists, but have never made a “done” list! I totally need to do this- I can see how it would make me feel more accomplished about my day!!

    I’m visiting your blog via the Live Laugh Rowe blog hop. I am now following via twitter and facebook. I would love for you to stop by my blog, look around, and hopefully follow along, too!!

    1. Thanks Melanie. I hope you enjoy my blog and I will for sure go check yours out. Thanks for following.

  4. I’ve actually done this many times as well! It is a great perspective. Another way I found that I saw how much I actually DID was once last year when I was going out of town. As I made lists of everyone’s needs and schedules, I realized just how much I have stored in my brain and daily schedule. I could see that I did a lot more than I gave myself credit for. 🙂

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