One Month, One Space

I really hope I get to move this year.

But I told Chad I don’t want to move until I have gone through each space in my house.  And by “gone through” I mean dejunk, declutter, and organize.  Nothing makes me happier than taking a load to the donation center. I also love having space in my closets, drawers, and shelves.  Minimalism is my drug of choice.

We moved two years ago and I made drastic headway in the war on excess. I went through our books, games, paperwork, food storage, kitchen, and kids clothes, but there was still more to do. I still want to go through keepsakes, school papers, computer files as well as bedrooms. I don’t want to be hauling unnecessary bins to another house.

So my plan for the year is to go through one space per month.  This goal feels do-able and not overwhelming.  Plus it gives me focus for Saturday projects and spare time.

In December, I tackled the boys’ room.

boys room

I went through every drawer, cleaned under their beds and ransacked their closets.  As I dejunked and purged, I saw two main problem areas: their ties and their trinkets.

The ties were just hanging over a hanger.  They were in no particular order, and they would fall off the hanger easily.  Crew’s top drawer had turned into a miscellaneous drawer full of random things that he used now and then but that I couldn’t quite categorize into one group.

Since Crew and Locke share a room, there is not tons of extra space, so I got the idea to use an over the door shoe hanger to create a little more space and to organize Crew’s stuff a bit more.

crew's shoe holder

I put the bow ties on the bottom and the other ties rolled up nicely and fit in the shoe pockets. I could fit about 2-3 ties per pocket. I organized them according to color.


Then I took the stuff that was shoved in Crew’s top drawer and brought it out into the light. We had a pocket for his quirky glasses, his bracelet collection, his outdoor tools, and his Scout supplies like his kerchief, belt and slider.  His belts fit nicely in the pockets as well.  Some of the other pockets hold sports cards, shoelaces, wallets, and sweat bands.

crew's room belts_Fotor


shoe hanger trinkets_Fotor

Now everything has a place, and it is much easier for the boys to maintain and clean their room.

On a different note, one thing I do to facilitate minimalism is to have a set number of hangers for my children.  And if I need more hangers that means they have too many clothes.  So if I need a hanger, I get rid of something.  There is not a magic number of hangers.  I am pretty sure my girls have more than my boys, but it is just a visual reminder for me to keep my children’s clothing manageable.

boys hangers

Over a month later, the boys’s room still looks great.  The boys are able to manage and maintain their space because everything has a place and there is not too much stuff.

Chad and I talked together and came up with a organization schedule for the next six months. I wanted him to be on board because I need him to be a part of the dejunking and organization too.  Here is our tentative schedule:

January- Master Bedroom

February- Girls’ Rooms

March- Chad’s Office

April- Garage

May- Keepsakes

June- School Papers

We are 3/4 of the way done with our Master Bedroom and the Girls’ rooms are well underway.  There are piles everywhere right now, but that is a good thing.  More piles now means less bins to move later.

1 thought on “One Month, One Space”

  1. Great ideas Tiffany! Once again, sharing your ideas has sparked my organizational energy and I am excited to conquer some clutter! 🙂 Thank you, Thank you…you continue to bless my life.

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