The Revival of Service Saturdays

Do you remember Service Saturdays?  You know where my family and I go serve one Saturday a month so that my kids don’t turn into snotty, entitled rich kids.  Well, we lost our groove for a few months there over the summer, but we are now back on track.  Service Saturdays have been revived.

We did a small Service Saturday in October where we washed tables in our church’s pavilion.  It was a baby step in the right direction and it was something every kid could do, even Locke.

Then last week for our November Service Saturday we went to help out Grandma Pam who had been in a bad car accident that week.  She had back pain and couldn’t move well, so we thought she could use some help.

The girls and I cleaned 5 bathrooms.  (This was a good reminder to me that big houses are overrated.) And I am pretty sure that the mirrors looked better before we helped wash them.

The boys helped trim up some bushes in Grandma Pam’s back yard.  Crew felt like a man using the powered trimmer.  Only one extension cord was cut in the process.

This Service Saturday was special because it was on the birthday of my deceased nephew, Beck.  And Beck’s mom (my sister, Chelsea) asked that we all do a service project in his honor for his birthday.  We were happy to help Grandma Pam and honor Beck.

I also hope you remember that Service Saturdays wants you!  I would love to spotlight your family service project as a guest post.  So far I have only had 1 family respond to the challenge, but it was awesome. I feel like when we share our families’ service projects we can give ideas and inspire others to serve as well.  I look forward to hearing from you.

Make a comment on this post if you are interested in a guest post and I will email you information or click here for details on how to send me a post.

Long live Service Saturdays!

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