E Week

E week started out with an emergency.  My water heater exploded (okay, maybe that is an exaggeration, but it did excrete water everywhere) which made for an exciting week.

Here is your E to download and display:


We tried steamed edamame for the first time.   It was edible, but that was about the extent of it.

I also made these extra extraordinary enchiladas.  (Lime and honey and cream– enough said).

We made eerie eyeballs.   They were red velvet cake balls dipped in white chocolate.

I got the recipe from a cookbook “101 Gourmet Cake Bites” but you can click here for an online tutorial on how to make cake bites.  Once the cake balls were made, these are the supplies I used to evolve them into eyeballs.

I made the cake bitrs without too much extra help, but then I had everyone over to dip and decorate their own eyeballs.

The eyeballs took a lot of effort and didn’t exactly meet my expectations, but the kids enjoyed it.

Other E foods to eateclairs, eggs, Elephant ears, egg rolls, endive lettuce, and egg nog


We counted the eyeballs as crafts, since we got to embellish the cake balls, but you could decorate Easter Eggs or make this easy E elephant.  For complete instructions click here.


We went to eat with Elle at E Elementary.

And we watched cousin Evan exercise (ok- it was a soccer game)

You could try exercising, eating, egg races, exploring or kids always are entertained by just riding an elevator or escalator.


We plan to do our letter walk after school today.  I expect us to find eggs, Elle (in a picture), eyeballs, elephant (toy bin!) and Easy Mac.   I’m excited to see what else Croft can discover.

Click here and here for printable E worksheets.

So that ends E week.  May your E week be less eventful.


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