W and X Week

We have acutally finished Letter of the Week around here but just haven’t taken the time to get all the photos compiled and posted.  I am a person who tries to finish what she starts even if it is way late, so here is W and X week:


We were invited to a waffle bar at our neighbors where we met the Wood family, and it was wonderful.

Our neighbor had all kinds of fun items we could throw inside the waffles as they cooked or put on top after they were cooked.  For example, we could pick chocolate chips, coconut, bananas, bacon, or berries to go inside.  Plus there was buttermilk syrup, whipped cream, caramel, chocolate or maple syrup that could go on top.

My personal favorite mix in was coconut.  My friend baked the coconut right into the waffle and it gave it such a chewy texture.  I loved it.


Croft really wanted to go whale watching but we went for a walk instead — just a nice stroll on a path by our house. I didn’t get a picture.

And she got X rays at the dentist as well.  No cavities by the way; just 5 loose teeth.  The tooth fairy better get stocked up. (See some tooth fairy ideas here.)

If you are looking for a little more adventure there is also wake boarding, water skiing, wrestling, or water parks.  And make sure to go on Wednesday.


Since we couldn’t go whale watching, we painted whales with watercolors instead.

Croft also painted a watermelon.

Thanks to Elle for letting us use her fancy water color painting set.

I wish I could have given you more for W and X, but my time and energy was waning.  I hope I can get Y and Z  Week sometime this summer.

2 thoughts on “W and X Week”

  1. Can you please list where you got the big alphabet letters A-I to “print and place on the fridge” during letter of the week to remind you of the letter. I printed A-I and then see you stopped linking the alphabet letters from J-Z. I like to keep things uniform. Would love the other letters if you have a moment (which I don’t know how you ever would with all you manage to accomplish). I’m utterly amazed. Thank you for sharing your gift with the rest of the world.

    1. Thanks Jenice! And sorry about the letters. I had the font on my old computer and then that died and I switched to a computer that didn’t have the school house font on it. I had already printed off all my letters for the year so I was set. And to be honest it felt like no one was downloading the letters or even cared about the posts so I didn’t worry about it. Some day I will go back and get those pdfs on those posts 🙂 Until I can get my butt in gear, you can buy the font here https://www.schoolhousefonts.com/ If I come up with a plan B I will let you know. Good luck!

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