That Space in the Middle Called Work

I am headed to Boise today for my first motivational speaking engagement!

(Okay- it’s for my sister, but that still counts right?)

I have done a lot of public speaking before, but is has either been church related or professionally related.  I am comfortable teaching gospel doctrine and I am comfortable teaching teachers about teaching, but I am not as comfortable being a “motivational” speaker.

In fact, when my sister first asked me to be the key note speaker for her new personal training business, I said NO.  Besides the fact that I have no business speaking about fitness, I didn’t want to feel stress.  I didn’t want to have something hanging over my head – looming in the distance. I didn’t want a dull, steady pull on my days’ schedule. And I didn’t want to be up late at night stressing over just the right thing to say.

But Angela is persistent, if she’s anything.  This girl gets what she wants.

As I pondered on her speaking “invitation”, my dreams came to mind.  (Remember, my whole Dare, Dream, Do post where I said I didn’t dream big enough?)  Well, one of my dreams is for my voice to be heard and to speak in public forums.  Like maybe a TED talk one day 🙂

I realized if I said NO to this public speaking opportunity just out of laziness, then who am I to dream about public speaking?

That’s like wanting to marry Ryan Gosling and then saying no when he asks you out on a date.

And I also remembered that dreams take work.

You don’t just go from the dreaming phase to the accomplishment phase.  There is a huge space between the two points and that space in the middle is called WORK.  You gotta take the dream out of the clouds and hit the pavement. It can be boring, mundane, tedious, or tiring, but the work is necessary to make the dream happen.

If you want to publish a book, it takes hours and hours of writing, researching, and editing.

If you want to be play in a symphony or sing in a choir, it takes hours and hours of practicing.

If you want to compete in a race, it takes hours and hours of training.

If you want to raise a family, it takes hours and hours of just about everything.

If I want my voice to be heard, I need to accept speaking opportunities, put in the time, and write and rewrite . I may feel stress.  I may feel uncomfortable. I may knock some presentations out of the park and I may suck at others. But I have to try or I will not grow.

It’s the only way I am either going to accomplish my dream or find out that it is not really my dream after all.  You only know if you want to marry a dream, if you date him lots first.

So I said YES to my sister’s gig.  I tweaked the topic a bit so I could keep my integrity in tack. Instead of focusing on fitness, I am addressing her business name SHINE, and how we want to shine this year! I’m hitting it from a metaphysical, astronomical, motivational, and health level. I discovered some powerful stuff with my preparation!

Besides my SHINE talk, I have 3 other public speaking opportunities this month and many more coming up in the months ahead. I am definitely in that space in the middle called work.  And I am going to be grateful I have many opportunities to date my dream.

3 thoughts on “That Space in the Middle Called Work”

  1. I so wish I could be there to hear you. If you ever have a speaking engagement around here I would love to come. P.S. Last night I had to give a 10 minute presentation on organization. I realized most of what I do to be organized I learned from you. I thought about you all week while I was preparing. Good luck in Idaho!!! You will rock it.

  2. Woohoo! You will do so great. I definitely see you as a public speaker. Let us know how it goes.

  3. You were amazing! And definitely hit this one out of the park.
    Thank you for sharing your talent, and teaching us all how and why to shine.

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